Food quarantine rules

Food quarantine rules

To combat pests and to stop the spread of diseases, there are some restrictions when moving food items into, out of and within Victoria.

Phylloxera zones

Phylloxera is an insect pest of grapevines. To prevent its spread, fresh grapes cannot be moved from phylloxera infested or risk zones into phylloxera exclusion zones unless they have been packed for sale with appropriate treatment.

Victorian phylloxera zones
Victorian phylloxera zones

More about Victorian phylloxera zones »

Travelling to South Australia

No fresh fruit (including fresh fruit salad), fruiting vegetables (including tomato, eggplant, capsicum and chilli) or non-commercial honey can be taken from Victoria and across any part of the border into South Australia.

Further information about food quarantine restrictions when travelling to South Australia.

Travelling elsewhere in Australia

Check what you can or cannot bring into Victoria or other states when travelling by visiting Australian Interstate Quarantine.

For further information about bringing food items into Victoria, contact Agriculture Victoria by phone on 136 186.