For fixed line phone services, most of Victoria is within the (03) area code. Places close to the New South Wales border in the north-east of the state are in the (02) area code and include Barnawartha, Corryong, Rutherglen, Tallangatta, Wodonga and Yackandandah. Places close to the border with South Australia in the south-west of the state are in the (08) area code and include Nelson.
Mobile phone numbers begin with 04 and apply Australia-wide.
Type of number | Example | Call cost | Calling from within Australia | Calling from overseas |
Land line | (03) 5550 1234 | May be local, fixed or timed, depending on originating phone service and the distance from destination phone | If you are located within the same area code (prefixed in brackets) of the number, you can omit the area code and just dial the last 8 digits. Otherwise dial the full number. | Dial the international access code, Australia's country code of 61, the area code minus the leading zero, then the remainder of the number. Example: +61 3 5550 1234 |
Mobile | 0491 575 789 | Dependant on originating phone service | Dial the complete number | Dial the international access code, Australia's country code of 61, then the full number minus the leading zero. Example: +61 4 91 575 789 |
Free call | 1800 160 401 | Free from within Australia except from mobile phones | Dial the complete number | If accessible from overseas, dial the international access code, Australia's country code of 61, then the number. Example: +61 1800 160 401 |
Local call | 13 14 15 or 1300 975 711 |
Fixed (untimed) low call rate from within Australia except from mobile phones | Dial the complete number | If accessible from overseas, dial the international access code, Australia's country code of 61, then the number. Example: +61 13 14 15 |
There are three mobile phone networks operating in Australia. Each network offers customer phone services directly with itself or through its network of independently branded resellers.
Public telephones are located throughout Victoria. Most are operated by Telstra, while there are other providers who have installed public phones in places like hotels and shops.
Telstra public phones offer free calls to standard landline and mobile numbers anywhere in Australia. International numbers are charged by time.
Most public telephones accept coins and pre-paid phone cards. Phone cards can be purchased at a number of outlets including post offices, selected newsagents and convenience stores.
The major telephone directories available for Victoria are: